Monday, Dec 17, at my Dr's appointment he told me that I was dilated to a 3. We decided that if I had not had the baby by Sunday that we were going to induce labor. WOOHOO. But I didn't really want to wait. I wanted to have her as soon as possible to not be so close to Christmas. So I started to try home remedies to try and get it started. Over the next few days I would start to have contractions but they wouldnt last as long as they were supposed to or they werent as close together as they needed to be. It was getting very frustrating. Finally on Wednesday they were 5 minutes apart lasting 1 minute each time. Jordan and I went to lunch and the whole time they were consistent and then went home to wait til they had been like that for a while... but we got home and they stopped. So we tried some more things to get the contractions to start up again.
At 9pm we decided that it was time to go to the hospital. They were the same distance they were that morning, but I was in back labor so they were pretty painful and I had not practiced any coping skilling for the pain. I am not sure that they would have kept me at the hospital when I arrived because I hadnt dilated any more that I was on Monday but my blood pressure was 170 so they needed to have my stay and try to speed up the labor.
I got the epidural as soon as the offered it to me because if she was going to continue to face the wrong direction I did not want to keep feeling it. I was more scared to get that than to actual give birth, at least that's what I thought at that point. But it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Its just a scary thought to have someone put a needle in your spine. After that I just wanted to take a nap for a little before she came. I thought of it like a plane ride, or a long car ride. If you fall asleep time goes by faster and then the anticipated event will happen. It wasn't that restful though. And right before they started to have me push I was able to feel my contractions on my left side. Not that fun!
A little after 1 am on December 20 the nurse finally had me start pushing. It was just her and Jordan. We both had not planned on watching the birth but Jordan wasn't really given a choice and after the 2nd push I asked to watch with the mirror because they were insisting that they could see the head and I didn't believe them. It was a lot easier pushing while watching because then I was able to see the progress. After the 4th push the nurse had me wait for the Dr to arrive because she was ready to come out. Fortunately, he was there in the next couple of minutes and I was able to push again. That was the last time and our little girl was here. I didnt expect to get choked up and teary when she was there. I didnt expect to wish she was closer while they cleaned her up and be a little jealous that Jordan could be by her. I was trying not to cry because I felt stupid crying about it, but I couldnt help but let a few tears slide down my face. It was a very special moment and I assume that most mothers feel that way when they give birth to their children. I couldnt wait for the nurse to bring Elsie to me to hold. I was tired, emotional, excited, and a little scared to meet my little girl. But it was perfect. She is beautiful and perfect. It's weird loving someone so much the moment you meet.
I have always heard that giving birth is a beautiful thing and I never really understood it. How could something so gross sounding be beautiful? But thinking about my experience I can see how it can be beautiful, not the actual birth part-which was not as disgusting as I expected it to be-but the spirit that was there and the meeting of our little girl. Those were beautiful, touching, perfect moments.
Elsie Marie Smith
born Dec 20, 2012
5 lbs 8 oz, 18.5 in
arrived 1:32 am